Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Birthday, Shakespeare!

Welcome to my new blog.  I have been selected to direct a production of Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor for Mill Race Players this summer, and I have decided to keep my director's journal on line.  And what better time to launch it than on the day we celebrate Shakespeare's birthday. 

No one knows for sure what day is Shakespeare's birthday but seeing as he is our greatest poet and playwright, we poetically choose to celebrate it on the anniversary of his death.  More details can be found on my post about his biography here.

This blog will be focused around the upcoming production of Merry Wives.  As a director research is very important to me, and I will use this space to consolidate the research that I do.  I will also use the space to reflect on the decision making process that happens long before rehearsals begin.  While casting decisions will be kept confidential (and off-line), I do plan to record my thoughts during the rehearsal process as a record of how the production develops especially after you include those helpful pests the actors.

My hope is that this Abusing of God's Patience and the King's Speech will chronicle a production from conception through gestation, birth, adolescence, maturity and death.  The seven stages of a play if you will.

So, Happy Birthday, William Shakespeare and Happy Conception, Mill Race's Merry Wives of Windsor!!

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