Wednesday, May 25, 2011

General Update

It's been a while since I have had a chance to work on the show in earnest, even longer since I had time to update my journal, and even longer since I've had a beer.  Work, life and love have gotten in the way.  So a brief update on goings on before I start to work a little harder on the show.

Met with some of the folks behind the Mill Race Players and we have been trying to coordinate the two productions we will be doing this summer:  Merry Wives of Windsor and Rodgers and Hammerstein's CinderellaCinderella will be going up two weeks after Merry Wives, and is being directed by my good friend, Alycyn Pratt.  She was initially thinking of doing her production outdoors as well; we even discussed sharing some things like set pieces etc.  She has since abandoned that, and as I haven't decided how I am going to set the production, we weren't able to come to any decisions.

We did discuss setting auditions to be the same day so that folks would have the option of auditioning for both shows.  The Merry Wives specific audition info will be posted at the top of the column on the right.  In general:

Space:  North High School
Date:  Sunday, June 5
Time:  1:00--Ages 13 and up:  Merry Wives of Windsor
                      Ages 6-12:  Cinderella
            3:30--Ages 6-12:  Merry Wives of Windsor 
                      Ages 13 and up:  Cinderella

All auditioners for Merry Wives will need to prepare 14-30 lines from anything by Shakespeare.  It does not need to be memorized.  There will be readings from the script.  Auditioners for Cinderella will be asked to read from the script and learn a dance.  Auditioners over 13 are asked to bring a prepared song, while the younger auditioners will be taught a song at the audition.

You can audition for both plays but will probably not be cast in both.

If you are unable to attend auditions on Sunday, June 5, please contact the director of which play(s) you are interested in auditioning for.  A separate audition time can be set up for you.

The production staff for Merry Wives is starting to fill out as well.  Jennifer Smith has agreed to be the Production Stage Manager, while Lyn Doyle is producing both Mill Race Shows this summer.  My wife has been asked to help produce Merry Wives.  Jennifer is actively looking for and Asst. Stage Manager, and I have identified the next big needs for the Merry Wives staffing:  Props Master, Costume Designer and Master Carpenter.  I will start to tackle those in earnest as soon as I settle on the final concept for the show.

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