Monday, June 27, 2011

Alice Ford

Alice Ford is the wacky neighbor.  She's the Lucy Ricardo to Meg Page's Ethel Mertz.  She's the one willing to put herself out there, and try anything--especially if that will get her husband, Frank, to notice her.  She does at times seem a bit needy, but then she will come right back at him and give him what-for.

For the decided lack of time spent on the Page's married realtionship, much time is spent on the Ford's.  They have no children, but don't seem to be bothered by that.  Dramatically that makes sense as the Pages get wrapped up in the B-plot (marrying their daughter off), leaving the Fords carry the mature relationship mantle. 

Alice seems unhappy in her marriage, or at least with the lack of attention that Ford affords her.  From the onset she states that she wishes Ford would witness Falstaff's attempt at romance.  Perhaps that would make him jealous. 

For as buttoned down as both Frank Ford and Meg Page appear, it's interestign not that Alice is attracted to both people, but that she doesn't wish for Meg to change.  Just her husband.  That's not really fair, as it's not so much that she wants him to chnage, she just wants that spark back.  That fire.  That passion.  It would be important that that pays off in the last scene/line.

--Dress or blouse, skirt and jacket in warm colors (reds, oranges)


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