Friday, June 10, 2011

Stuff Happens

This week was going to be my major catch up on the show.  I have started several entries as they relate to the principal characters and the individual scenes.  I needed to work more on structural analysis.  Rehearsal schedules need to be compiled, and a lot of that other work goes into making the rehearsal schedule.  But I had plenty of time.

I have never had the luxury of a week between auditions and first rehearsal.  I am used to going just a three days at most.  Well, it looks like I am back to just having three days, or less.  There was an unexpected death in our immediate family.  While we knew this was coming, we thought that we still had a few months at the very least.  Needless to say Merry Wives has taken a back seat.

We did have another very successful night of auditions, and we have more than enough people to cast the play, and cast it well.  The men are all very strong, and all of the roles will be played well.  The number of strong adult women increased again, making it more difficult that we weren't able to cast all 8 in the roles they deserve to play.  The one thing we are lacking is boy children.  This isn't uncommon, but it was a little thinner than I would have liked.  We may be asking for sons and brothers.

I don't know how this blog will be updated in the next few days, if at all.  I have to focus on deadline stuff, that may then go up next week after the fact


  1. John,

    I'm so sorry to hear about the death in your family. Praying God's peace for you all.


  2. Sorry to hear of your loss,

    Julie and Lauren Wagner
