Monday, June 6, 2011

Production Meeting--6-6-11

We have had a whole series of meetings lately about the producer end of things, which have little to do with actual directing but impact the show in any number of vital ways (publicity, budget, atmosphere).  Sometimes these are incredibly frustrating because so little has to do with the actual storytelling of the play.  But as I said, they do impact it in major ways.

The producer's job is a thankless one.  You work really, really hard to make sure the magic happens (zeroing out the bottom line and people actually come see the show) and you get little credit from the cast or audience.  The producer is judged by the masses on the quality and quantity of the press coverage, and sometimes if the poster is cool.   It really sucks.  I am blessed to have two eager and attentive producers on board who are allowing me to focus on the job of storytelling.  So if I forget to give major props later, "THANK YOU, JULI AND LYN." 

As a director, I have little to say or care about the budget.  I work extensively with the tech director in ensuring my vision happens to the best of our abilities.  The tech director worries about making it come in on or under budget.  A great tech director is a must as well.

We should be getting a logo lined up before the first cast meeting.  They are lining up artists now.  I will work with the graphic designer on what I think best conveys the story.  Right now, my main logo thoughts are:
  • Fat man (Falstaff)
  • Antlers (the final scene and all of the buck imagery in the show)
  • The laundry basket scene
  • Needs to convey that it is a comedy or better yet a farce
I have a question if the logo should indicate the time period I am setting the production, but that would mean I would have to choose.  I was 85% sure on Saturday; it was going to be a western.  But something happened when I met the company of actors at the first set of auditions; some magic was loosed as the words were.  Now I am only 65% sure.

The tell tale moment will occur securing my costume person.  I am narrowing in on a few suspects, and hope to have the full staff in place by Thursday.

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